If you can look at a dog and not feel vicarious excitement and affection, you must be a cat. ~Author Unknown

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Mischa turns 3 months!

Happy 3rd Month Birthday my sweet pup Mischa! You are getting bigger and fluffier!
I can't wait to tie your hair, but you have to learn to behave first and let us comb your hair without you biting us and being rowdy. Well, your papa will take care of that...You're just so cute! Thanks for not ruining the good stuff at home and not making a mess. You're such a good puppy! WE LOVE YOU and you'll always have us no matter what!
Friends, pls. help Mischa's mom earn dollars by clicking the ads! he he he Gift nyo na yon kay Mischa. we'll buy her a collar e, you'll see...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Meet Mischa's Toys

Here's Mischa's Pal, ROLLY.
She loves playing with him! She thinks he's real... or does she?

(Rolly seems to enjoy the cuddling...or does he?

Meet the rest of the group...

ARLENE. Lost an eye, a leg, a wing. But worst of all, lost her "quack-quack" sound effects.

NAT. Mischa's first baby toy. Also serves as a pencil holder. Wait! It is a pencil holder!

PO. Cute toy from Po.

JYMM. From Jymm. Mischa's first gift.

GREEN CHICK. Lost both legs, can't stand up anymore! Most victimized!

GILLYWEED.Lost it's bright changing lights effect.

AMADO. Brown dino from Japan.

ZEN STONE. An unusual toy for a dog! or anyone for that matter!

PATRICIA. From McDonald's to Shammy's.

HUSH HUSH. Gummy rubber bracelet. Chewy!

SQUEAKY. Bouncy and fun! Ugly though.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Mischa in Tiendesitas

Here's our SOOOo cute puppy sitting in one of those antique benches in Tiendesitas - one of only two pet-friendly galaans in our area (the other one is Eastwood). She's so much fun to be with! It's like carrying around a live teddy bear ΓΌ

Monday, January 16, 2006

Mischa plays billiards

Aside from laser pointers, billiard balls drive her crazy!
It was so much fun watching her!

photo by Mikke Gallardo, who else?

Monday, January 09, 2006

separated at birth

Everyday Mischa and Generic Eewok

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Virtual Mischa

Pop art by: Mischa's papa,
d' Great Michael Angelo Gallardo.

my little dog, little breaths at my feet.
laughing with her tail, barking at the wall.
playing with a tissue, dancing with the rags.
sleeping on her back, rolling all around.

Poem by: Her mom,
Rizza Gallardo


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